Brian Yasuhiro Seymour
Brian Yasuhiro Seymour
Brian Yasuhiro Seymour is a woodwind musician and composer. He grew up in Southern California, where he began his music career, starting to play the violin at the age of 6. When he was ten, he took up alto saxophone. Brian began studying jazz and woodwind doubling in high school. He studied and played the clarinet, participating in honor bands in Southern California. Additionally, he played gigs at restaurants, hotels, and jazz clubs in the area. In the summer 2007, Brian performed in France, Switzerland (Montreaux Jazz Festival), and Spain with his high school band. It was also during Brian’s high school years that he began composing music. He wrote music for his band and arranged for his high school jazz ensemble, and began studying under Jay Mason, the baritone saxophonist of Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band.
After high school in 2010, Brian moved to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music. Some of the teachers he studied under include: Dino Govoni, George Garzone, Barbara LaFitte, Tiger Okoshi, Walter Beasley, and David Santoro. He more vastly explored woodwind doubling, picking up the oboe and bass clarinet. In the summer of 2012, Brian began performing around Tokyo and Chiba, Japan, and went to various live houses and jam sessions.
Brian finished his studies at Berklee in December of 2014 and received two bachelor degrees: one in Jazz Performance and one in Contemporary Writing and Production. He also completed a minor in Video Game Scoring.
In 2014, Brian's original composition, "Mother Earth Suite" was performed by Teros String Quartet at the Valdres Sommersymfoni in Valdres, Norway.
After graduating from Berklee, Brian started working for Carnival Cruise Lines as a Showband Musician on the Carnival Elation in 2015.
Since the fall of 2015, Brian has been living in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, where he has been teaching various woodwind instruments and jazz theory; and performing at various restaurants, hotels, live houses, and concert halls. He has also recorded woodwinds for television commercials, video games and albums. Some of his works include those of SMBC, Bandai Namco, and Butterfly.
In 2018, Brian performed in Seoul, South Korea in the group Brian Seymour and Friends.
In 2022, Brian played various woodwinds for the reading drama, “Biome” in which Kabuki actor Kankuro Nakamura was starring. He also played the tenor saxophone for the Tokyo performances of La La Land in Concert: A Celebration of Hollywood in August of the same year under the direction of Justin Hurwitz (Composer for Whiplash and La La Land) and shared the stage with Randy Kerber, Eijiro Nakagawa, and Atsushi Ozawa to name a few.
Brian endorses Syos mouthpieces and Kim’s Korea Saxophones.
미국 캘리포니아 출신의 목관악기 연주자, 작곡가. 색소폰 (소프라노, 알토, 테너, 바리톤), 클라리넷,베이스 클라리넷, 피콜로, 플루트, 알토 플루트, 오보에, 잉글리시 호른, 바순, EWI 연주.
6 세에 클래식 바이올린을, 10세에 알토 색소폰을 배우기 시작한다. 고등학교에서 4 년 동안 재즈 밴드, 취주악, 마칭 밴드에서 활동하며 작곡이나 재즈 앙상블을 위한 준비를 공부한다.
2007 년에는 재즈 밴드의 멤버로 스위스 몽트뢰 재즈 페스티벌에 참여하고, 프랑스, 스페인에서도 연주한다.
2008- 2010 년은 레스토랑, 호텔, 재즈 클럽, 이벤트, 복지 시설 등에서 연주 활동을 하면서, 계속해서 제이 메이슨 (Gordon Goodwin 's Big Phat Band)에게 배운다.
2010 년 버클리 음대 입학하여Dino Govoni, George Garzone, Walter Beasley에게 색소폰을 Barbara LaFitte 에게 오보에를 사사받는다. 재학 중Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Logic 등의 음악 제작 소프트에서 기술 지원을 맡는다. 또한 플레이어로 레코딩 프로젝트와 뮤지컬의 피트 뮤지션으로 목관악기 전반을 담당한다.
2014 년에 버클리 음대를 졸업하여 카니발 크루즈 라인 (크루즈 여객선) 쇼 밴드로 승선한다. 또한 작곡 · 편곡자로서 소편성 재즈 밴드, 빅 밴드, 오케스트라, 마칭 밴드, 목관악기 앙상블, 실내악, 대중 음악 등 폭 넓은 장르를 다룬다.
2014년 본인 작곡의 "Mother Earth Suite"가 테로스 현악 사중주에 의해 노르웨이 발 드레스 Valdres Sommersymfoni에서 연주된다.
2015 년 11 월부터 일본에 머물면서 도쿄 치바현에서 라이브 하우스, 재즈 페스티벌, 이벤트, 호텔 등에서 연주하며, 드라마, CM, 게임, 아이돌 그룹의 노래 등의 레코딩 작업에 참여한다.
2018 년 4 월 서울에서 Brian Seymour and Friends의 멤버로 연주한다.
2022년 스펙터클 리딩 '바이옴'(출연 : 나카무라 칸쿠로) - 목관악기 담당.
2022년 La La Land Live In Concert: A Celebration of Hollywood- 재즈 밴드의 색소폰 담당. 작곡가의 Justin Hurwitz (영화 : 세션, 라라 랜드) 피아니스트의 Randy Kerber (영화 : 타이타닉, 해리 포터, 스타워즈, 토이 스토리 등)와의 공동 출연.
Brian은 SYOS 마우스피스와 Kim’s Korea Saxophone의 엔도서입니다.